Another Happy Client:
Camp Adonai
Launched: June, 2021
Home Page

The Client:
Camp Adonai is a non-profit, volunteer-run Christian summer camp for youth aged 9–15.
The Problem:
Their website was outdated and didn’t reflect the fun, friendly nature of the camp. They needed a site that was bright, vibrant and fun to interact with, while at the same time, providing all the information that campers, parents and staff would be looking for, in an easy to navigate environment.
The Solution:
I designed their new website to be engaging and enticing to the age group it’s targeted to (thankfully, my own daughters were in this range at the time of designing the site, so they were able to provide input on the colours, hover effects and layout). I created a custom, full-screen menu to add additional flair to the site. I also used custom CSS to make the images look like Polaroids that rotate slightly on scroll, to give it a nostalgic feel.
The Result:
Camp Adonai is very happy with their new site.
About Page

Guide for Campers

Guide for Parents

Guide for Staff

Gallery Page

Camper Registration

Staff Registration

Contact Page

Full Screen Menu