Another Happy Client:
Against the Grain Counselling Services
Launched: July, 2021
Home Page

The Client:
Caitlin Raftis is a Canadian Certified Counsellor (CCC) and Registered Psychotherapist (RP) who owns Against the Grain Counselling Services. She is based in Peterborough, ON. She incorporates her animals into her therapeutic space.
The Problem:
The Solution:
Caitlin’s new website incorporates beautiful imagery of her animals and some stock photos, the earthy tones she loves, and some custom-coloured icons.
Client Testimonial:
Sandy is personable and responsive. She demonstrates authenticity in her interactions with me and genuine interest in my business as well as my business goals.
Sandy has strong skills and knowledge in her field. She supported my transition from a previous host as painlessly as possible. She helped me to upgrade and redesign my website to suit my growing needs as a mental healthcare practitioner. She was also empathetic and compassionate regarding my limited knowledge and understanding of the online world. Sandy is insightful regarding google analytics and how to maintain a site that continues to draw attraction.
Since moving to Sandy’s hosting and maintenance package, I am already receiving more inquiries and generating more clientele. She is excellent to work with and I highly recommend her.