JBC Coffee Operators

Website template for JBC Coffee Operators.

As a Java Brew Collection operator, you know how important it is to provide exceptional office coffee service to your clients. But how do you get those clients to find you in the first place? It starts with a great website. And lucky for you, it’s already designed, developed and waiting for you.

Your JBC template includes:

Six pages

Home | About Us | Our Coffee | Coffee Machines | Contact Us | Start Your Free Trial
The contact form redirects to a Thank You page upon submission.

Mobile friendly

Full mobile optimization to give your visitors the best possible experience on cell phones and tablets.

Content writing

This template requires some personalization. Once you fill out a simple questionnaire, we will turn your answers into engaging content for your website. We also include writing and editing services with every website.

On-page SEO

Search Engine Optimization to improve your Google search rankings

Color Changes

Color changes include buttons, text, and hyperlinks. Colors are pulled from your logo. Background color can also be changed, if requested

Google Search Console

Registration of your website with Google Search Console to help you get found quicker on Google.

Fast loading time

Premium plugins customized to improve caching and page loading speed, which increases your Google search rankings.

License-free images

License-free, professional stock images 

You provide the details. We’ll take care of the rest.

With a few minor customizations, your website can start attracting new clients to your business within days.

Here is what we’ll need from you to get your website template ready:

Your Logo

Preferably your original logo files, but a high resolution .jpg or .png will do.

Your Details

We will need information about your business in order to update the content on the site. We will have you fill out a simple questionnaire, and then use your answers to write engaging content for you that will help convert your visitors into customers.

Images & Video

If you have any images or videos you would like to include on your website, we will incorporate them into the design.

Your Contact Information

Your visitor is interested in contracting you for their office coffee service. Now they need to know how to reach you. You let us know how you want them to do that (phone, email, social media, contact form, etc.) and we’ll make sure it’s all on your website and properly linked.

Getting your website is easy

Have your template website customized, launched and attracting new clients in just 3 easy steps:

Reach out to us

Fill out the form below to contact us today. Once you’ve signed our website contract and paid the 50% retainer fee, we will send you a questionnaire to collect content for your website.

Review your website

Once we’ve had a chance to turn your questionnaire answers into engaging, SEO-friendly content and implement your colors, logo, social links, images and video, and any other customizations you require, we’ll ask you to look over the site in detail before approving it for launch.

Launch & Maintain

We’ll take care of everything required to get your site launched. If you sign up for our maintenance plan, we’ll make sure your site is kept updated, safe and secure, and you’ll receive monthly reports showing what’s been done on your website.

Once you have your brand new website, make sure it’s attracting your potential clients at the exact time they’re looking for you. Contact David Bird at Bird’s Eye Marketing to find out more about getting on the Google Map and getting started with Google Ads.

Template price & ongoing fees

Template Website

This ready-for-you template website is only $1,000, and can be launched within days, pending content collection and website approval.

We require 50% to start your project, and 50% at launch.

Domain Registration

A .com domain is only $15/year, billed annually.

Other domain extensions are available; prices vary depending on the extension requested. Please let us know what domain you would like for your business, and we’ll see if it’s available and handle the registration process for you.

Hosting & Maintenance

We provide secure, reliable hosting and monthly maintenance for only $75/month, so you’ll never have to worry about your website.

This includes nightly backups, theme and plugin updates, security checks, and a monthly report to show you what’s been done to keep your site safe and secure.

Would you prefer a fully customized website design? Contact us today to see how we can help.

Ready to get started?